Technology in Presentations
Techno Bells And Whistles Can Deafen Your Audience
Lose the slides, gain the audience
For those of us who have graduated from the overhead projector to the marvels of modern technology, it is so tempting to get lost in all the ‘special effects’ on offer when compiling a presentation. Slides appearing and disappearing, sound effects, animations, voice-overs….all great fun, but none actually needed if you are serious about relaying your message to an engaged audience.
Content is King
The origin of this phrase is debatable, with Bill Gates, Sumner Redstone and even Rupert Murdoch being cited as originators. However, this catchy phrase has never been more applicable than in today’s fast-paced world of technology. Marketers have milliseconds to attract target markets moving with dexterity from site to site on a variety of electronic devices, brand loyalty is no longer apparent, and the range of choices available to consumers is vast.
So although it is exciting to live in a connected and wired world where communication is instant, where technology can make business dynamic and where presentations can become captivating, it must be remembered that the focus has to be on influencing the audience to take action and not to merely entertain them with techno gadgets. Technology is there to engage the audience. Use it to support your presentation, to help get your message across and to convince your audience to take the next step.
Think content, then technology.
Think engagement, then technology.
Top presenters focus on connecting with their audience first, while using an effective blend of visual, oral and physical presentation skills. It has been shown that retention of information increases by 30% when this combination is used.
How NOT to connect with your audience:
- Death by PowerPoint
- Too many slides
- Too much text on slides resulting in unreadable font sizes
- Complicated slides, with too much illustrative information – graphs specifically
- Audience reading off slides, during the presentation
- The presenter reading off slides – no rapport with the audience
- Confusing information – lack of ‘flow’
- Can be disruptive
- Failure of technology
- Unplanned breaks in the presentation caused by power failure, visual aids not working
How to connect with your audience:
- Content is King!
- Can your content stand alone?
- Always develop your content first and then your visuals
- Balance text and visuals
- Be prepared! Be in control!
- Minimise external factors – potential problem areas
- Check the technology being used is compatible with yours before the presentation
- Have your presentation in more than one place – multiple copies
- Keep the visuals simple
- Presenting takes practice – develop your skills set with On Target
- On Target will guide you through the Principles of Professional Presentation allowing you to engage your audience with confidence
- Learn the art of producing informative content
On Target Consulting has used their many years’ experience to develop solutions, ranging from coaching, a 2-day workshop or a bi-weekly continuous development option.
Take advantage of a free 1-hour communication and presentation fundamentals discussion